martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


By Zoila Gloria Bolaños Pons
The glory belongs to George W. Bush; one hundred per cent only to this man. Regardless of what ignorants may say, and in spite of those who were never able to see clearly the situation faced by this man during the time that he was president of the United States. 
Bush is the victory winner if it is true that they captured and killed the murderer Bin Laden. Bush began the capture process. The intelligence services began to work intensively under the orders of our hero, Mr. President Bush.  Don’t let others come and say that they are the ones who did everything to capture this terrorist. Don’t let them walk away with someone else’s glory. One of President Bush's main goals was to capture this man who thirsted for American blood.  It is impossible for them to say that there is currently another winner. Lies! It was Bush who had and will have the courage to do the things that others will not see, and we are seeing the proof.   Look at where we are for listening to demagogues.  But the American people made a mistake again by voting for the Democratic Party, and they now have what they deserve.  Of course, those who are new to politics can only repeat as parrots what other useful fools tell them to repeat.  But the terrorist pigs, cursed by God, the red communists, who are nothing but demagogues and false promises, come to power and take over all the assets of a poor people who at the end suffer and even go hungry.   These can only be called useful brutes.  Look and see! But let your eyes see well, and ask yourselves how Cuba is doing under this putrid regime which is only hurting other nations with its money and turning them into their allies.  
Hear and listen! The wars did not stop and they will not stop.  The armed forces of the United States are the ones who know how to act and when to stop, make or continue a war.  It was not up to someone to decide.  The President is the president, and as such he is respected as the leader. But in matters of war, the Army makes the decisions, and President Bush was happy to authorize all that he had to and all that there was to save the dignity of the United States. Don’t let someone else fool you with false promises attempting to win votes in an election only because they are able to convince the poor and hard-working American people who must be defended against lies.  
You are so naive that if someone from Iran came tomorrow, spoke nicely, and if they were convincing, you would applaud, vote for them, and they would reach the presidential seat of the government of the United States; this country, full of noble people, whose only crime is to have a dream. Well, demagogues do this to the masses; they hypnotize them and then they sacrifice them so that they may not call on the promises made by the liars.  
That is the truth! Applaud Bush. Repent of the injustice committed when Mr. Bush was attacked. He, who gave his soul, his heart and his life, and continues to do so, because he is a legitimate American, he loves this nation that, because of your fault, if you continue to belief in false words, will be in serious danger, and then you will all be starving to death.  
The Bush family is wholesome gold.  They have money; but not because it was swindled, stolen or from drugs.  It came from before their grandfather.  They are a close-knit family.
Now I will speak a little bit about Jeb Bush; the brother of former President Bush.  A noble man, a good former governor, who left behind a good image in Florida.  He will also come to lead this nation; he will also reach the presidential chair of the United States and you will see the radical change.  I do not know when.  Perhaps it is too early to announce it. But he will be our only salvation, and if Marcos Rubio is Vice President, then the communists will truly weep, because former Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marcos Rubio are real men; they are intelligent, they believe in God and they love this beautiful country that I love loyally and until death. 
May God hear us because only God and my beloved Republican Party will be able to save this country!   The most powerful, the untiring one, the rich one, the one who places men with class as candidates who have not been appreciated lately, such as John McCain.  But alas! When we are triumphant, we will speak again, because God is on our side.  The Reds only have atheist blood.  Long live the three Bushes!
Father Papa Bush, as I call him; a man of brains, and exemplary father and husband. 
Former President George W. Bush, a man with the heritage of his father and invaluable courage.
Former Governor Jeb Bush, with the same father’s heritage and with no one to make him lower his head for not being a legitimate American, or being a liar, and that is why he will be the President of the United States in the future.

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